Plot your next book
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Intuitive plot builder
Watch as your text seamlessly maps onto your novel’s structure. Use popular plot blueprints to guide and shape your story with clarity and precision.
Powerful text editor
Easily style your text and structure your story into scenes, chapters, and parts. No markdown knowledge needed.
Best-in-class Stats
Get detailed insights on word count, chapters, and more to stay on top of your writing goals and fine-tune your manuscript.
Intuitive plot builder
Timeline View
Visualize the flow of your story with a timeline. Track key events, character arcs, and plot twists. Adjust the pacing by dragging and dropping scenes.
Plot Blueprint Integration
Use popular plot templates like the Hero’s Journey or Three-Act Structure to guide your story. Customize them to suit your unique narrative.
Real-Time Sync with Your Writing
See your text seamlessly update on the planner, ensuring everything stays aligned with your plot structure.
Powerful, yet Simple text editor
Seamless Formatting
Easily style your text with bold, italics, headings, and more—no need for complex Markdown or coding knowledge.
Structured Writing
Organize your manuscript into Parts, Chapters, and Sheets, keeping every piece of your story in its perfect place.
Rich Media Embedding
Add images, links, and stickers directly into your text to enrich your storytelling and make it more dynamic.
Best-in-class Stats
Word, Character, etc. Count
Track your word and character count in real-time to measure your progress accurately.
Scene, Chapter, Part Analysis
Get a detailed breakdown of each chapter and scene, ensuring balanced pacing and structure throughout your manuscript.
Goal Tracking
Set a project-wide goal and track your progress towards completion.
Everything You Need, All in One App.
Experience Breathtake for Yourself.
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